3 Ways to Re-purpose Blog Content (Time-Saving Tip)

“Begin with the end in mind.” Stephen Covey When you are planning blog posts, think ahead to how you can re-purpose the post. What additional ways can you share the content you’ve created? You’ll be leveraging your time and providing even more helpful content for your audience. Here are three ways to re-purpose your blog […]

Tips to Create the Right Content for Your Audience

A common question I hear from clients who are blogging for business is: How do I come up with content that interests my target audience and  motivates them to take action? It’s not enough to start writing about what you think your audience wants to know about your business or industry. Researching and listening to […]

3 Easy Tips to Stay Consistent in Blogging

Experts tell us that “content is king” on social media, but it can be a challenge to stay on track with blog posts, Facebook posts or new Tweets. Use the following tips to stay consistent in your blogging efforts: 1. Join a group that holds you accountable I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge this […]

Promoting Your WordPress Blog Post

If you are new to blogging or are wondering how to spread the word about your blog, here are a few tips for promoting your WordPress Blog Post: