Why You Need a Business Blog & 3 Tips to Help You Start


Why you need a business blog

Clients frequently ask us about a business blog: when to start it, if it’s really necessary and how often to write. If you are a small or home business owner and have profiles set up on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest, you may feel like those sites are great platforms to share information with your audience. And they are!

But based on current statistics and future trends for content marketing, I would say that Yes, all businesses need a blog or at least a “Resources” page on their website, where their audience can easily access original content. 

Are you currently posting original content on social media sites? Do you answer client questions on Facebook or Twitter? Do you share news or events about your business? If so, then you are already creating “blog” content on a consistent basis; it just isn’t located in one place on one website: it’s scattered all over your social media sites.

One of the most important reasons why you need a business blog:

You don’t control social media sites.

You can’t rely solely on social media networks because you don’t own your profiles on those social sites: they could all be shut down tomorrow. Sharing content on Facebook, Twitter or Google+  is necessary for your social media strategy, but don’t let those be the only places your original content exists.

Create a blog or a Resources page on your website where your content originates…and then share it on social media sites.

Updating your blog/website on a regular basis is also a good way to increase the chances of showing up in search results.

If a full-blown blog sounds like too big a project right now because you don’t have the time to blog consistently yourself or the resources to hire someone to help you with it, that’s okay!  Here are a few tips to help you start your business blog: 


3 Tips for Starting a Business Blog

Business Blog Tip #1 – Use Content You’re Already Creating

Look at all of your current social media profiles and take note of the original content you have already shared there: tips, recommended resources, etc.

Start collecting and sorting all of this content from your social sites. Then compile it into your blog posts, based on topics or steps in a series.

If video is part of your digital marketing strategy, then you may find that one long video can be broken up into several blog posts (or shorter videos) as a way to make that content stretch even further.

Round-up posts of other people’s blogs in your industry can be an easy way to create your own blog posts on a consistent schedule: just make sure you link back to the original author’s post or video.

Business Blog Tip #2 – Create New Content That Answers Customers’ Questions

What questions do you frequently answer from clients or prospects? Or, what problems does your business/product solve?

Collect the most frequently asked questions and your answers to create blog posts on those topics.

This is an easy way for most businesses with existing customers to start a blog. If you’re a new business, creating this frequently-asked-and-answered content is a great foundation for all parts of your marketing strategy.

For an easy way to incorporate this task into your workday (or work week), see our blog post on creating a Daily Content Plan.

Business Blog Tip #3 – Use Time-Saving Strategies Like “Batching” Posts

Consistency is key in digital marketing, so make sure you’re creating a blogging schedule that works for you and your available resources.

For some businesses, that means blogging once a week. For others, it means 1-2 times a month.

But for all bloggers, putting some time-saving strategies in place will help you succeed in the long-run.

One example is “batching” your posts (this also works for photos: taking them and editing them):

Create a list of blog posts you want to write or think of a “series” of posts you can create on one topic, and write them in “batches” of time. Then:

  • Spend one week at the beginning of each month creating 3 blog posts and then post one a week over the next several weeks.
  • Set aside time to write 3-4 blog posts in a series, and then let your audience know “this is post #1 in our series on …” and then publish on your schedule.

Get the idea? Find a system that works for you that helps avoid the frustration of not knowing what to write or how to fit it into your busy schedule.

So now that you know Why you need a business blog and How to go about starting one…it’s time to begin!

If you have any questions about starting your business blog, contact us for a free consultation. We can give you some tips and offer some resources that will help!


3 Tips to Start a Business Blog and Why You Need One

About Terry League

Terry helps small business owners with social media strategy, training and account management. With a background in marketing and training, she enjoys combining those two areas to teach business owners how to get the most out of their social media marketing. Connect with Terry on Twitter and Instagram @TerryLeague for more on social media with a mix of positive motivation and inspiration.